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Anil  Bist / Professional / Web Technology

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Lessons:- Remember Me



Listing 8.17 introduces the its method, which is like it but applies the subsequent test to the given attribute rather than the subject of the test. In other words,

its ( : remember token ) { should not be blank }


is equivalent to

it  {  @user .remember token.should not be blank }


The application code introduces several new elements. First, we add a callback method to create the remember token:

before save :create remember token  



This arranges for Rails to look for a method called create_remember_token and run it before saving the user. Second, the method itself is only used internally by the User model, so there’s no need to expose it to outside users. The Ruby way to accomplish this is to use the private keyword:


      def     create remember token
        # Create the token.


Anil  Bist

Skills    Ruby On Rails

Qualifications :- High School - SLV, College/University - Graphic Era Deemed Univ University,
Location :-Dehradun,Dehradun,Uttarakhand,India

I started my Professional Journey in 2006 with one of the Web Development Company in Bangalore and my 1st framework was "Ruby on Rail" as Web development and delivered around 5+ Projects using this platform. Then came another dimension as JEE/Sturst framework, Gradually I realized that I want to build something on my own and give my passion and energy on creating something different a


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