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Neeraj  Amoli / Professional / Web Technology

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Lessons:- Database Migrations



Note that the name of the migration file is prefixed by a timestamp based on when the migration was generated. In the early days of migrations, the filenames were prefixed with incrementing integers, which caused conflicts for collaborating teams if multiple programmers had migrations with the same number. Barring the improbable scenario of migrations generated the same second, using timestamps conveniently avoids such collisions.

                 The migration itself consists of a change method that determines the change to be made to the database. In the case of Listing 6.2, change uses a Rails method called create_table to create a table in the database for storing users. The create_table method accepts a block (Section 4.3.2) with one block variable, in this case called t (for ‘‘table’’). Inside the block, the create_table method uses the t object to create name




and email columns in the database, both of type string. 4 Here the table name is plural (users)even though the model nameis singular (User), which reflects a linguistic convention followed by Rails: A model represents a single user, whereas a database table consists of many users. The final line in the block, t.timestamps, is a special command that creates two magic columns called created_at and updated_at, which are timestamps that automatically record when a given user is created and updated. (We’ll see concrete examples of the magic columns starting in Section 6.1.3.) The full data model represented by this migration is shown in Figure 6.2.

                We can run the migration, known as ‘‘migrating up,’’ using the rake command (Box 2.1) as follows:


       $  bundle  exec  rake  db:migrate


(You may recall that we ran this command once before, in Section 2.2.) The first time db:migrate is run, it creates a file called db/development.sqlite3, which is an SQLite5 database. We can see the structure of the database using the excellent SQLite Database Browser to open the db/development.sqlite3 file (Figure 6.3); compare with the diagram in Figure 6.2. You might note that there’s one column in Figure 6.3 not accounted for in the migration: the id column. As noted briefly in Section 2.2, this column is created automatically and is used by Rails to identify each row uniquely.  




Most migrations, including all the ones in the Rails Tutorial, are reversible, which means we can ‘‘migrate down’’ and undo them with a single Rake task, called db:rollback:

$     bundle  exec  rake db:rollback


(See Box 3.1 for another technique useful for reversing migrations.) Under the hood, this command executes the drop_table command to remove the users table from the database. The reason this works is that the change method knows that drop_table is the inverse of create_table, which means that the rollback migration can be easily inferred. In the case of an irreversible migration, such as one to remove a database column, it is necessary to define separate up and down methods in place of the single change method. Read about migrations in the Rails Guides for more information.

            If you rolled back the database, migrate up again before proceeding:

$  bundle  exec  rake  db:migrate


Neeraj  Amoli

Skills    Ruby On Rails

Qualifications :-
Location :-Dehradun,Dehradun,Uttrakhand,India

I have 3 year experience as a Software Engineer. My Skilled are Android Development (Java), ROR Development .   


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