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Neeraj  Amoli / Professional / Web Technology

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Lesson Topics's No:-  First|1 | 2 | 3 | 4|
Lessons:- Signup Failure

Of course, instantiating such a variable has implications for successful signup—as we’ll see in Section 7.4, once @user is defined properly, calling is all that’s needed to complete the registration—but it has consequences even in the failed signup considered here. Note in Figure 7.15 that the fields are pre-filled with the data from the failed submission. This is because form_for automatically fills in the fields with the attributes of the @user object, so that, for example, if is "Foo" then



will produce the HTML


Here the value of the input tag is "Foo", so that’s what appears in the text field. As you might guess, now that we can submit a form without generating an error, the test for invalid submission should pass:

$ bundle  exec rspec spec/requests/user pages spec.rb \
-e "signup with invalid information"
Neeraj  Amoli

Skills    Ruby On Rails

Qualifications :-
Location :-Dehradun,Dehradun,Uttrakhand,India

I have 3 year experience as a Software Engineer. My Skilled are Android Development (Java), ROR Development .   


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