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Neeraj  Amoli / Professional / Web Technology

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Lessons:- Deploying to Production with SSL

To get the deployment to work, we first need to add a line forcing the use of SSL in production. The result, which involves editing the production configuration file config/environments/production.rb, appears in Listing 7.28.



To get the production site working, we have to commit the change to the configuration file and push the result up to Heroku:

$   git commit -a -m   "Add SSL in production"
$   git push heroku


Next, we need to run the migration on the production database to tell Heroku about the User data model:13 

$ heroku run rake db:migrate


(You might see some deprecation warnings at this point, which you should ignore.)

Finally, we need to set up SSL on the remote server. Configuring a production site to use SSL is painful and error-prone, and among other things it involves purchasing an SSL certificate for your domain. Luckily, for an application running on a Heroku domain (such as the sample application), we can piggyback on Heroku’s SSL certificate, a feature that is included automatically as part of the Heroku platform. If you want to run SSL on a custom domain, such as, you’ll have no choice but to endure some pain, which you can read about on Heroku’s page on SSL.

                    The result of all this work is a working signup form on the production server (Figure 7.22):  

heroku  open


Note in Figure 7.22 the https:// in place of the usual http://. The extra ‘‘s’’ is an indication that SSL is working. You should feel free to visit the signup page and create a new user at this time. If you have trouble, try running

$  heroku  logs  

to debug the error using the Heroku logfile.



Neeraj  Amoli

Skills    Ruby On Rails

Qualifications :-
Location :-Dehradun,Dehradun,Uttrakhand,India

I have 3 year experience as a Software Engineer. My Skilled are Android Development (Java), ROR Development .   


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