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Neeraj  Amoli / Professional / Web Technology

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Lesson Topics's No:-  First|1 | 2|


1. Refactor the signin form to use form_tag in place of form_for. Make sure the test suite still passes. Hint: See the RailsCast on authentication in  Rails       3.1, and note in particular the change in the structure of the params hash.

2. Following the example in Section 8.3.3, go through the user and authentication request specs (i.e., the files currently in the spec/requests directory) and define utility functions in spec/support/utilities.rb to decouple the test from the implementation. Extra credit: Organize the support code into separate files and modules, and get everything to work by including the modules properly in the spec helper file

Neeraj  Amoli

Skills    Ruby On Rails

Qualifications :-
Location :-Dehradun,Dehradun,Uttrakhand,India

I have 3 year experience as a Software Engineer. My Skilled are Android Development (Java), ROR Development .   


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