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Lessons:-Getting Started

1.2 Method 2 Symbolic link the public directory.
If you are familiar with using symbolic links on a unix-based system, this method will prove
rather simple.
Inside the extracted Laravel source code (you remember where you put it, right?) you will
find a sub directory called ‘public’. This directory contains the Laravel bootstrap file and all
public assets. We will be symbolic linking this directory to your public web root (possibly
To create the symbolic link simply execute the following command in your terminal of choice,
replacing the paths where necessary.
1 ln -s /path/to/laravel/public/directory /path/to/web/root/subdirectory
For example :
1 ln -s /home/dayle/laravel/myapp/public /var/www/html/myapp
Note: You could also symbolic link the public directory directly to your web root, but I
prefer using a subdirectory so I can work on several projects.
You should now be able to navigate to http://localhost/myapp with your web browser to see
the Laravel welcome page.




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