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Neha  Jaggi / Professional / Web Technology

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Lessons:- Test-driven Development

Test-driven Development

In test-driven development, we first write a failing test, represented in many testing tools by the color red. We then implement code to get the test to pass, represented by the color green. Finally, if necessary, we refactor the code, changing its form (by eliminating duplication, for example) without changing its function. This cycle is known as ‘‘Red, Green, Refactor.’’

We’ll begin by adding some content to the Home page using test-driven development, including a top-level heading ( 

Neha  Jaggi

Skills    Ruby On Rails

Qualifications :- High School - , College/University - Graphic Era Hill University, Dehradun, College/University - ,
Location :-Dehradun,Dehradun,UTTARAKHAND,India

Experienced Software Developer with a demonstrated history of working in the Information Technology and services industry. Skilled in Web Technologies (Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL, php, Laravel and AJAX). 


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